About Me

A father of one, with a wife of extreme patience and tolerance, that I’m super grateful for. After making some “mistakes”, and walking some “unnecessary path (冤枉路)” in the different roles in life, I thought it may be good to blog it down for future reference. I hope to capture the good, bad and the moments in life.

“Life is a journey”, a cliché fact. Everyone plays multiple different roles at different points in time. Some excelled the moment they took on the role due to their innate talent. Some becomes better through experiences over time. Some prefer to be status quo as they see no benefit in being better. Some may give up entirely along the way.

I’m definitely not the one with innate talent, but hopefully can be the one that becomes better along the journey. And I hope this blog helps me to remember along the way, and also help those who read in one way or another.

This blog mainly focuses on the below roles:

  • Parent
  • Traveller
  • Aspiring Retiree